The strange sport of animals

In order to find new things, people know how to combine sports with familiar animals to create new games that bring a different feeling.

Sport is often known as a way to exercise health and to find relaxing moments for us, but not only people need sports. In order to find new things, people know how to combine sports with familiar animals to create new games that bring a different feeling.

Hình ảnh có liên quan

Pigeons are a familiar bird, sticking with humans spread over thousands of years of history. In the past, when telecommunications was not developed, people used them as a means of communication. But pigeons not only act as peacemakers or postmen, but they are also trained to be great riders. This is a sport born in China since the Ming Dynasty, and until now, it is becoming popular in many countries around the world, including Vietnam.

Along with pigeons, dogs are always close friends and loyal to humans. And to show their affection, they organized a dance competition for these 4-legged friends. The dogs will dance with their owners to find the best couple.

The horse riding sport called Buzkashi in Tajikistan is currently very popular in the rural areas of this Central Asian country, especially on the occasion of New Year. This is a traditional sport currently held throughout the rural areas of Tajikistan.

According to the rules of the game, the riders will scramble for the body of a goat weighing about 70kg. This sport requires the participants to have the skills, speed and power of the horse. Buzkashi can be played as a team or individually.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho môn thể thao kỳ lạ của động vật

Polo is a popular sport, to be played at the Olympics. But contrary to the image of players playing on horses, the guides from the Hindu Kush mountains of Pakistan use Tibetan cows. People call this Yak Polo. However, the way of playing and the rules of Yak Polo is similar to the traditional Polo.

In October every year, people of Chonburi province, Thailand often organize a traditional buffalo racing festival with the belief of a good harvest. This is a tradition more than 140 years ago.