With a virtual pet blogger

Besides new discoveries in blog technology, teenagers can now ask for a “virtual” pet. In a nutshell, bunnyherolabs is a ranch where you can come, look, choose and adopt pets. Adoption is completely “free”.

In fact, if you are not familiar with HTML code, you may be satisfied with a dog or a cat running back and forth in the direction you mouse. However, if you know a little bit of code and can fumble, the Advanced section of the Adoption Center will help you out! Here, you will be meticulously guided to be able to add wallpapers, insert text.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho blogger nuôi thú ảo

The you can choose your favorite pet. The website will list all virtual pets in the form of images for you to choose. You can choose from dogs, cats, pigs, chickens, pandas, … to spiders, porcupines, wolves, … And even pencils, paper scissors and light bulbs.

Name your pet and enter your nick in the Adopter name. You are both to make a “birth certificate” for the virtual pet, while confirming your sovereignty.

Choose a color for your pets by clicking on the palette. You can even raise a green injecting chicken, or a purple cat. Then click “Finish” to complete.

Of course, you have to feed your animals. You feed your pet by dragging the mouse on the word More below. Then click on the food, then drag the mouse to the animal’s mouth to let it eat.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho blogger nuôi thú ảo

Besides food, the site also provides you with some quite interesting elements such as toys for virtual animals, technology to create wallpapers.

Besides feeding the animal, you also have to cuddle and cuddle it! You can do this by clicking on the head or the body of the animal for a while. Each animal will have a different reaction.

So, from now on, you can both blog and have a cute animal in the blog already! Certainly friends and guests visiting your blog will also be very surprised and interested. And maybe there are no budding buddies out of hobby, right?